ZENITH mod. J504Y, chassis 5J41

ZENITH mod. J504Y, chassis 5J41
    Features: American (USA) portable tube radio powered by batteries and electricity, internal panel antenna The shape that recalls a briefcase expresses its purpose as a portable radio. As a portable radio it is quite large, the five tube circuit features a high frequency amplifier to increase sensitivity.

Factory ZENITH
Model Model J504Y, Chassis 5J41
Production USA late 1940s
Valves 2x1U4,1R5,1U5,3V4
Range AM
Supply battery powered (9Volt for the filaments and 90Volt for the anode), Eveready # 753 battery or from the mains in AC or DC 105 ~ 125 Volt
Dimensions l = 38cm, h = 26cm, p = 13cm