Trademark Stern & Stern

Stern & Stern company historyThis company was founded in 1922 by the doctoral student Oscar Stern and the director John Stern with a share capital of SEK 400,000. Automobiles then began to be used more generally, primarily for commercial traffic, and good future prospects for the car industry were expected. By 1924, the company had expanded its area of ​​operation to include the burgeoning radio industry. Here, too, they were given the exclusive right to some of the American market's best and most in-demand components and materials, such as Jefferson's transformers and the insulation material Radion.

The company also became general agent for Swedish manufacturers of radio parts, a manufacture which was then taken up under its own auspices. Special mention should be made of the distinguished "Toroid" coils, patented in several countries. They were part of the complete kits that were the forerunners of the completely factory-built receivers. In 1926, they made the popular crystal device "Hjärter ess" and the following year they had great success with "Concerton 11", a 2-tube battery device in a bakelite casing for SEK 78:50. The company's car division was closed down and radio production was transferred to NEFA in 1940.