Radio repair links John &Jean Antique Radio Collectors. A source of restoration for antique radios. Phil's Old Radios, one of the world's first websites for antique radios and TVs, launched in 1995. Many restoration articles and some radio-related building projects. Philco Service Bulletins for early models from 1928 to around 1936. Tere are informations about Philco parts values. Antique Radio Classified - the National Publication for Buyers and Sellers of Old Radios and Related Items. Tom's Antique Radio Repair site. Tom has been repairing old radios for over 20 years. Working antique radios for sale, also parts for repairing antique radios such as grommets, knobs, etc. A few old radios restoration articles. Antique Radios - The Collector's Resource. Forums, clubs, archive, books for old radio collectors. UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration Discussion Forum. Russian links: Ham radio electronics enthusiast blog. Examples of old tube radios recovery. Works to restore radios and gramophones, describes methods and technologies carpentry, plumbing, painting and electrical work. The biggest amateur radio tube forum. |