German vacuum tubes

Volksempfänger tubes

For the tube assembly of cheap "people receiver" was recourse to the then common tube types. Only for the smallest model, the DKE, a special composite tube had to be developed to ensure high performance of the model at the lowest cost of production.

All Volksempfänger tubes have been specially marked as such, in two different versions:

Volksempfänger tubes have been specially marked

These tubes were sold much cheaper than ordinary tubes of the same type and design. The difference between the reduced and the regular price was usually reimbursed by the Reich Propaganda Ministry to the respective dealer.

Of course, these tubes were only sold to owners of VE equipment; Traders were not allowed to sell the VE tubes otherwise under threat of severe penalties.

A = anode
G = grid
H = heater
K = cathode
M = metallization connected
D = diode
Tr = triode
Base from below Connection diagram of the AF7
Bottom of the AF7 Scheme of AF7

Here you will find an overview of the tubes used in the "People's Receivers":

Receiving tubes

REN904 REN904 Is used in: VE301 W
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Anode current
Triode 4 volts / 1 amp 200 volts - 4 volts 6 mA
RES164 RES164 Is used in: VE301 W, VE301 Wn, VE301 dyn W
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Screen grid v
Pentode 4 V / 0,15 A 250 volts - 12 volts 80 V
RE034 RE034 Is used in: VE301 B
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Anode current
Triode 4 V / 60 mA 200 V - 3 V 2 mA
RES174d RES174d Is used in: VE301 B
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Screen grid v
Pentode 4 V / 0,15 A 250 volts - 18 volts 150 V
AF 7 AF 7 Is used in: VE301 Wn, WE301 dyn W
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Screen grid v
Pentode 4 V / 0,65 A 250 volts 0 volts 100 V
KC 1 KC 1 Is used in: VE301 B2, DKE 38 B
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Anode current
Triode 2 V / 65 mA 135 V - 1,5 V 1,2 mA
KL 1 KL 1 Is used in: VE301 B2, DKE 38 B
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Screen grid v
Pentode 2 V / 0,15 A 135 V - 6 V 100 V
VC 1 VC 1 Is used in: VE301 GW
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Anode current
Triode 55 V / 50 mA 200 V - 2 V 6 mA
VF 7 VF 7 Is used in: VE301 dyn GW
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Screen grid v
Pentode 55 V / 50 mA 200 V - 2 V 100 V
VL 1 VL 1 Is used in: VE301 GW, VE301 dyn GW
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Screen grid v
Pentode 55 V / 50 mA 200 V - 14 V 200 V
VCL 11 VCL 11 Is used in: DKE 38
Use as Heater Anode voltage Bias voltage Screen grid v
Triode /
90 V / 50 mA
200 V
- 2 V
200 V

Rectifier Tubes

RGN 354 RGN 354 Is used in: VE301 W, VE301 Wn
Use as Heater Anode voltage Supplied direct current
Disposable Rectifier. 4 V / 0,3 A 250 V 25 mA
RGN 1064 RGN 1064 Is used in: VE301 dyn W
Use as Heater Anode voltage Supplied direct current
Two-Rectifier. 4 V / 1 A 2x500 V 60 mA
VY 1 VY 1 Is used in: VE301 GW, VE301 dyn GW
Use as Heater Anode voltage Supplied direct current
Disposable Rectifier. 55 V / 50 mA 250 V 60 mA
VY 2 VY 2 Is used in: DKE 38
Use as Heater Anode voltage Supplied direct current
Disposable Rectifier. 30 V / 50 mA 250 V 20 mA

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